Being human

4 03 2010

It has been a long time since I have watched movie as either most of them do not appeal me or I could not take some time out to watch it. Nevertheless, I have managed to take time out today to watch the Jack Neo’s show ‘做人’.  It was a fulfilling experience to watch this show as I have learnt some key lessons to be taken away from this show. Although I was enthralled by the contents of the movie, I was exceptionally elated for the fact that I could apply sociological perspective to detect the key messages  that Jack Neo is trying to convey in his movie. That is, he is subtly explaining why Singapore has a baby dearth (though not discrete) and the notions by people when one  has not conceived though they are married. On top of that, there are some important lessons that are critical to me (as an individual) as well. From the title of the show –  ‘做人’, Jack Neo is trying to infuse us with two interpretation. That is, he wants to debunk what qualities do we humans need to exhibit and the reasons of sluggish birth rate. In my case, the former is more critical for me since I am still single and available (thus rejecting the latter).  For instance,  Mark Lee’s wife in the show said that she would rather have a husband who is poor but righteous and has conscience as opposed to rich but doing actions subconsciously against conscience. At this juncture, this debunks my common stereotype of the importance of monetary backing as a means of security to my future wife (if I have). Although it could be relevant and important, one should not neglect the importance of having a heart and doing things with conscious. At this point of time, I would like to inquire if anyone is always doing all things with consciousness at all time? If the answer is no, why are we not emphasising it in our values at all time?  Is it because societial forces have been pressing us from deviating from our ideals? From this, this could shed some light why Jack Neo tries to associate  this with Mark’ Lee’s wife failure to conceive for 8 years. Although babies are a god’s gift to us, he could not have given it to you if you have been doing things against your consciousness. In short, you may be economically rich but you will be socially poor. Does it mean that economics is always seen as a opposing forces of sociology? I wonder…

In addition, there is another key message that is equally important for me. That is, ‘you need to learn things from the hard way’. In the scene, Mark Lee has been doing socially unjustified stuff though he is thankfully guided by a kind soul in his soul who tries to put him on the right track. Despite this, he refuses to heed ‘his’ advice. Thus, he ends up making tonnes of blunders which makes him repent at a later date due to a series of events compounded on him. At that time, he questions why ‘his soul’ does not guide him to the right track at the last few laps. Yet, ‘his soul’ told him that ‘you need to learn things from the hard way’. When I heard that, I began to reflect myself. That is, I have been making mistakes in life subconsciouslyeven till now though I keep saying that I would like to change. Thus, I would like to question if I could only change only when I have undergone series of tremenduluous moments since I could only need to learn things from the hard way’? Could I deviate from such case from happening? I am just wondering if I could put a stop for all these so that I do not need to experience the above case. Could I not just say but put into action of my words? In view of this, I really hope to put my words into action and not just words and I hope that it would be successful.  This is because so I may not be as lucky as Mark Lee in the show. That is, he is able to avoid his ‘wrongdoings’ as all of his wrongdoings are mere his imaginations in which reality does not happen that way.  It would be splendid if a movie like this could make one wake up on his senses though some may think that this show is a laughing therapy or medicine.